29日 3月 2025年
I haven’t written here in a minute so I’ll give some brief updates. So firstly, if you wanna know what I’m working on, generally I try to keep the pinned post on my tumblr pretty up-to-date with what I am currently working on. That in which currently being UTYHH episode 4 and a revised iceberg for EBHH. Recently has been a bit difficult as last semester I was working on Penny’s Nightmare so I was sort of trying to get my bearings on what I would be working on next after that, but then suddenly the next month after that game’s initial release I had to study for the SAT. Which that was something ahead of time I knew I needed to do, but like, it really took me by storm, you know? Anyways. I have a slightly better grasp of what I’m doing now. Or at least I’m trying to keep busy but not too busy. Main issues just being me started too many projects, as usual (I’m trying to coordinate a fandub of NBHH). Also, for my next game, I would like for it to be 3d, figuring out blender didn’t give me too many issues, but trying to figure out the engine I want to use, godot, has been giving me a lot more issues, end of next week is my spring break though so I’m going to try to figure a lot more of that out then. So. Anyways, be on the lookout for stuff I have coming up because I think it’s gonna be good. Gotta go.
27日 12月 2024年
Had one of those moments where you realize you’re definitely doing the correct thing today. So I started replaying ff7 (on pc) today so I could show it to Daniel. (Which I sorta got him into it because I kept wanting to use ff7 songs for UTYHH). Anyways he was looking up some pictures of Tifa and was saying how looking at her reminded him of my artwork. Which is good. Or well. I do take inspiration from Nomura's art. I suppose it’s a debatable position if your art should wear its inspiration on its sleeves or not. However, I am hoping that if the inspiration comes through the same vibe will come along with it. Another thing I am liking about replaying ff7 is its environmentalist message. You likely do not know this due to my lack of not talking about it, but I actually do feel strongly about that stuff. The fact that it has been 50 and raining instead of snowing here in my fairly northern state has had me deeply depressed. It just makes me feel as though there’s no hope, you know. Plus as someone who loves to use computers for most of my hobbies, which of course uses electricity, makes me come to think if I am some sort of hypocrite. But the thing is, the way power is made and then distributed to the people is not really my choice. It’s the choice of the government. Or more specifically at the moment the corporations that continue to lobby the government. I fear this will only grow worse with planned cabinet members for next year, given the man’s background in fracking. Perhaps there are ways we all over consume that can be reduced, yes this is true, however these corporations put too much focus on this as they wish to cover up their own misdeeds. I see much the same with social media. I often see people, both online and irl, who blame many of society’s issues on the advent of the internet, specifically social media like twitter. However, those things are just distracting us. Yes, social media addiction is real, but I don’t see it much as a personal failing, these apps are designed to distract you, so you use them. Firstly, to sell to advertisers, secondly, so you will ignore the heinous actions of corporations and focus on bullshit like “blackwashing” instead of actual important issues. Anyways, I can’t do much about these things unless I become some sorta activist like Huey Freeman. The thing is that I don’t really think I can do those things, at least not as my life is now. I’m an artist, not an activist. That said artists can still make a stand to make you think about things. Of course, we wouldn’t have the FDA without The Jungle, and that’s one of the best government programs. So, basically, soon I do wish to make a stand, for things I think are real issues and not chronically online bullshit. Can you tell I have too much time to think about things when I’m on break?
5日 7月 2024年
"I'm gonna write more here!" Yeah, Well, I lied, I never said I was good at keeping a dairy. Actually I said I was quite the opposite. I don't have plans to make any major updates to my site for a while due to being so busy, but I noticed Aubrey changed her commission website to being dedicated to Your Only Move Is Hustle, so I figured I would add it to my webring. She's been doing a lot of interesting music for her AUs for that game. However ever since some Milkbar server drama we haven't been talking, really. We're still friends, we didn't beef or anything, I just think her priorities have changed, which I understand. i'm always doing stuff for the brandish server, you know. Anyways in that idea, in terms of Penny's Nightmare I wanna shoot for a Halloween release. I don't know if I have the grind in me to finish it that early but... well... nyuuuu...... I finished the tilesheet for the "graveyard" and I'm currently working on map creation and the VN sprite for Lord Blazer/ID. So. We'll see how fast I can work on it. In other news for UTYHH, we're wrapping up with pre-production and we're gathering VAs for a test shot. Also, in classic me fashion I started work on another project I don't have time for, a revised EBHH iceberg. When I was on my flight to Japan I started replaying it (Oh yeah I'll talk about this) and I realized I got a few details wrong, so I wanted to revise it. Honestly the iceberg is much bigger now and I'm getting quite a bit of help from Daniel which is nice. ^^ Oh but yeah, so I went to Japan. Eyup. I just got home a few days ago. Still kinda readjusting lol. But it was a lot of fun! I went to Osaka, then Kyoto, then to Tokyo. I saw a lot, a lot of things, so I can't really put everything here. TLDR, I saw a lot of historical sites, got some anime figures, went to the gigo fangamer store, and got some lolita clothes. (Which my dad keeps calling loli and I keep having to explain loli is a different thing -_-). Sooou yeah, I need to get back to the grind. oou oou oou.
11日 5月 2024年
Sorry for it taking me so incredibly long to update this blog again, not that I really think anyone is reading this... but you know I write this for me or other people in the future y’know. No but, I’ve been doing a lot with school given I only have two weeks left. So even when I’m like “Oh yeah John, I’ll totally draw Garvey during my chemistry class” I get caught up actually studying. Which. Yes is what I should be doing anyways, but no worries I have all As... for now anyways. So even though I’ve been gone for awhile now I don’t have much to show for it lol. Y’know though I’m doing alright. I’m starting to get through a lot of my half read manga collection lol. I read Kamichama Karin yesterday (Very silly book!!) although much more of a drama than what i’ve seen of the Di Gi Charat OVAs. Also apparently the author is a woman? I always assumed it was a man writing this stuff because, even though there isn’t a lot of fanservice, there’s a lot of stuff that’s manic pixie dream girl akin you know? Maybe it’s just a wish fulfillment thing, like me to Paula (Anamnesis). I’ve also begun reading this manga Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (Which if I understand translates to Yokohama Shopping Trip, lol). It is so very cute, unfortunately I only have the second volume and no first because Barens and Nobles decided to be a bitch I suppose. I’ve also personally never seen it as Books A Million although my dad says differently. Anyways. So I have some half done sprites for Penny’s Nightmare that I will be finishing up soon, but more importantly I’ve finished a game for class that’s up on this site! For the longest time I couldn’t reasonably post any games I had made for my computer science class to this site because they were all python programs, however we’ve finally started doing some work in javascript stacked with HTML, :) It’s a simple clicker game where you take care of a cat. I know it’s very simple, quite buggy, and very strange, but I made it in only like 3 class periods (so like 4-5 hours) so I know the math behind some of the logic calculations are very, very, off. You can play it here. If you look in the code (which I know ya’ll mofos can do) there’s audio that is supposed to play that’s commented out. Yes, I know it’s an issue. I don’t pay to use Neocities so I don’t have the privilege of being allowed mp3 files. Just play Dogtroid once you get to the end of the game and you’ll basically have the audio experience. I’m thinking of making just a full game directory like my art and writing directories so I can have all my games in one place. If I do this I’ll probably have it replace Father7 in my nav bar so that the games directory links to, Penny’s Nightmare, Father 7, and Neko clicker. Also any other future games of course. I also might make a Carrd for any schmucks finding me off instagram for tumblr, cause if though this website has all my links essentially, I know people are intimidated by Neocities. For some reason... BLUH I have so much more to say but this is already so, so long. I’ll spare ya’ll and just try to write again sooner. To those of ya'll doing finals in these next few weeks: がんばて!!!
12日 4月 2024年
I made it threw my first week back to school with only minor casualties!! I, for some reason, was givien three tests yesterday even though it was only my third day back from break. sigh... they went well though. Only thing was I got a 87 on my playing test for orchestra which lowered my overall grade to a 92... which is... not ideal, but at this point I'm just trying to pass the class with the most minimal effort required. That said... I have messaged my director to allow me to retake it, so, I'll see if that happens. I likely won't get a response untill monday though. Other than that I've really been on a kick of working on my gaming consoles as human girls redesigns this past week. I like randomly started working on Xbox in my japanese class the other day and then I just got on a kick doing Dreamcast after that. Those two are the only ones I'm really happy with right now but I do have work in progress designs for N64, Ps2, PsP, and Ps3. I think everyone can tell what my favorite console line is. Actually, I was trying to work on Xbox360, but it's hard to find good games to reference that are 360 exclusives and weren't also released on PC. Like for 360 I personally think of portal2 and plants vs zombies garden warfare, cause those where like, the only two games I played on the 360 personally... but... I don't think they're good for basing a character design off of... Also past ps2 making designs gets more boring cause there's less wild designs, probably because mascot platformers fell out of fashion and more, uh, realistic games? like GTA and uh, Call of Duty? became more popular. Makes less interesting designs. While I'm going to continue enjoying working on those designs, I'm also exicted to work more on Penny's Nightmare this weekend. I probably won't have all that much time for it because I do still have some school work to do, but I'll definetly find time for it. I'm working on some script editing to remove things like the step counter, programming in the opening cutscene with Super Ego, and I only have to do Varik, Lord Blazer, and Mangle's VN (Visual Novel) sprites... that is... if I don't do ones for the Sexy Sisters, Arn, Jeff, and Paula. Although. I may not give them ones just cause, I actually wanna finish the game lmao. Actually if anything I should give Karl and Dr.Andounts VN sprites... Infact I think I was planning on giving Dr.Andounts one but since I didn't draw him a sketch for one last month when I did the sketches for Penny, Dela, Ceroba, and Mangle I think I just forgot about it lmao. He's a silly guy (and also has important dialouge in the game) so I might as well give him a VN sprite. Also I think it would be nice to add some custom scripting in the battles to have text like in Earthbound (or like in every other version of rpg maker, idk why XP is so damn nerfed compared to 2000). Thing is though, I actually don't know Ruby... I'm editing my scripts to remove things like the script counter purely based on what I assume the code is doing. Which, I think kind of show's my advanced programing knowlege at this point as I've come to find Js, Python, and C++ to all be very similar. But. In someways it's still a tad embarrassing to me. heh. Anyways actually if you the reader wanna send me a link to some rpg maker xp scripts to add in battle text that'd be legit, you can put it on my guest book :). Actually if you wanna leave me comments about my blog or other things on my website you can put it there. I suppose if you want an actual conversation with me you can hit me up on Newgrounds or Tumblr or some such. Please only Email me with important things like copyright notices, physic disstresses (an item needing to be censored or taken down), or bissnuess opportunites???? ($60 dollars for a character, roughly). Thanks. さよなら !! ^^
8日 4月 2024年
Welp, I finally got my blog page up, it took me... way too long... but yeah. I also recently got up some back loged art on my drawings page, I added 2022 and 2021 (although I have yet to insert the drawings into the 2021 html, I did resize all the images though and they're in my neocities images folder). These pages take me way longer than you think cause I gotta find the art, resize them (otherwize my website will die cause I don't pay for extra storage), put them in the html, write the description for each image via the title section for images, test everything to make sure it displays correctly on my website. It's a very deceptively simple task. In the future I want to add, like, a updates box to my front page so I won't have to bore ya'll with it here, I was working on that last night but it... wasn't working... enhh... some other day I'll get it to work. This past week I've been on my spring break from school, and I have to go back tomorrow. Enugh. Really, I just wanna stay home and work on Penny's Nightmare, which I've made decent progress with, atleast in terms of graphics. I feel bad working on graphics because I know theres a ton of other stuff that needs to get done. But, there is a method to my madness, when school is in session I don't always have a lot of time to bust out my drawing tablet and work for 2-3 hours at a time, so, I work on that stuff when i'm on break. Anyways my original goal of getting the game out piror to my school year ending is definetly not possible at this point. Although I always know that was kind of a difficult deadline (context: my school year ends May 26th... I believe...), now, maybe if I would've busted ass when I firsted started the project it might've been possible but, I don't think I would've been proud of it and I'm really trying to make something decent, y'know? I don't know what my new goal for the game is now, but, Ima try to get it out before I go back for the next school year in August. So, I got a couple months. I know there are people in my game development club who are able to do these things much faster than me, but, I don't have that Scott Cawthon grindset. I'm more of uh... Omocat... unfortunately. I just do many things in my free time, like this website. Although I know if my desired career path in game development I should be putting a lot more into that, I mean it's not like I use freakin' bootstraps for this site (I hate bootstraps). Otherwise for me personally? I'm not up to much, I saw my boyfriend twice, so that's nice... uh- otherwise I'm slummin' it in the Milkbar, and uh- I started playing Wadanohara and Baldi's basics (again). Wadanohara for the graphics and story, Baldi's Basics because honestly? that game has really good mechanics, I'm personally really bad at coming at reasonable mechianics for my games so I wanna study it... also uh... is a fun game :). I might go into depth about different random subjects like my japanese studies or videogames and stuff in the future, but not today, I had to set up this whole page today... or well a majority... I did some of it last night... but yeah. My eyes hurts lol... and I'm tired... enhu... lol.